Aus Premium Travel

Advanced Booking / Payment system built with Gravity Forms and Gravity Wiz.

Jay from Aus Premium was looking for a developer that could convert his brief concept into a beautifully polished website. Armed with the trusty Salient Pro Theme, Gravity Forms and a few special Gravity wiz plugins we were able to create this stunning booking management system.

The project deals with these four main priorities:

  • The ability to attract new customers using visually appealing (and relevant), SEO optimised content.
  • Through the many “Request a Quote” calls to action, it funnels the client through a number of dedicated easy-to-use quote forms based on the tour type.
  • Once the quote has been received via Jay, he can quickly send off an automated quote email, where the user clicks on a special link and can review and pay for that tour through the website.
  • Jay can manage the various quotes and bookings as well as send off driver call sheets for jobs as required – All handled through the WordPress Backend system.

This was a complex job that could have become a nightmare to manage from the backend system. Thankfully we managed to keep things reasonably straight forward, allowing Jay to easily manage all bookings via Gravity Forms, and change various content throughout the website using a combination of WP Bakery Page Builder and Advanced Custom Field Plugins.
